
Watchlist 2.0 and more!

Watchlist 2.0 and more!

What is Watchlist 2.0? Basically, most of us have that spreadsheet where you list out all the books you are buying, going to buy, want to buy (partially on the old watchlist right?) but that also contains more info like WHO you bought it from, how much you paid, who is shipping it, tracking number, if you received it and when, etc. As of this week you can now edit all this information on the watchlist page on the site.

This was my ultimate goal with the feature and I hope this allows the rest of you to to throw out your other spreadsheets and just use this site in place of it. If you have feedback, need to add more columns, etc drop me a line. I’m more than willing — adding the received date and price paid were actually a suggestion from a member! Also let me know if you happen to run into any buggy behavior. I’m still actually iterating on some of this stuff and pushing some changes to make the site better in general (best way to contact is Discord or the contact form on the site but I will try and check here too).

I’ve also been hard at work lately working on a bunch of new features and honestly just tightening up my horrible spaghetti code. You’ll notice at the top of the pages that feature books and such that there are now new little links for:

This Week | Next Week | This Month | Next Month | Past Months | Future Months | Reset Date Filter

These were a feature requested by a member of the site that I went ahead and implemented properly so he didn’t need to keep using a userscript but also because it was a good idea!

A few other things have been just generally improved upon (including finding a badly coded loop that when fixed made the main tables load considerably faster, woohoo). I completely recoded all the tables on the site to share code with how the watchlist was coded which gives me a lot more flexibility in the way I can choose to display data in the expand popup (and showing/hiding columns and whatnot too). My goal in the future is to start hotlinking cover images from any of the publishers using PRH (which covers Marvel and DC, the ones with buttloads of DM variants). That’s not coming RIGHT now, but I do have it on the todo list!

Additionally, which I’m very excited about, I managed to code a few things for myself to mass update release dates on books carried by Diamond and a manual process for updating books from Image at Lunar. This should make it even easier for us to keep stuff up to date which I am very happy about.


Owner and lover of collected editions. I spend most of my free time either in Discord, playing video games, or reading my omnis.