
Purchase Link Updates

So I’ve once again fixed the Amazon links. I think I have an idea of why it broke again but since this is the 2nd time it has happened, I’ll just know to keep an eye on it whenever I add/move books around. Additionally, I removed the links because literally no one ever clicks them and in their place, I’ve started linking to Organic Priced Books. If you use my code (COMICRELEASES), you will get 2 bucks off your order there. JP over there is a great dude, extremely responsive to questions, very receptive to feedback, I’ve definitely started incorporating them into my own rotation for buying stuff (he does pre-orders too which rules). The links on this site I add really just as a convenience and since OPB is getting popular, it seemed like a great time to add them in. He’s currently working on adding ISBNs for all the books on the site so every link may not work RIGHT AWAY but they’ll start to over time.

If you guys ever notice bad links, think there’s something I could add, change, or some other thing you want to chat with me about, don’t hesitate to drop me a line on the contact page OR even better, hop on our Discord. We love meeting new people! Everyone there is great!


Owner and lover of collected editions. I spend most of my free time either in Discord, playing video games, or reading my omnis.